
Audiology Australia has developed guidelines for hearing health care practitioners (Audiologists and Audiometrists) and hearing services providers to support the safe and effective delivery of hearing services through teleaudiology to all Australians. 

The Australian Department of Health commissioned Audiology Australia to develop these Guidelines, with funding allocated from the 2020 Budget package to implement key initiatives from the Roadmap for Hearing Health. 

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the consultation and testing phase of the project. Your feedback shaped and improved the Guidelines.

Australian Teleaudiology Guidelines (pdf)

Australian Teleaudiology Guidelines (Accessible Word version)

Suggested Resources (pdf)

Implementation Ideas (pdf)

Teleaudiology Guidelines Webinar Launch

The Teleaudiology Guidelines were officially launched via an online webinar on Wednesday 27 July 2022. To view the recording of the Teleaudiology Guidelines webinar launch, please click here . Passcode: TAGL2907

The Teleaudiology Guidelines Working Group

Dr Bec Bennett, Chair

Dr Bennett is a Director of Audiology Australia Board, an Audiologist and Research Fellow.

Dr Barbra Timmer, Independent Researcher

Dr Timmer is the President of Audiology Australia Board, an Audiologist, Audiology Lecturer and Senior Scientist.

Dr David Allen, Independent Researcher

Dr Allen is a Senior Research Audiologist and an Honorary Research Fellow.

Frances Lockhart, Audiology Australia

Frances is an Audiologist and Clinical Coach with a large national hearing services provider.

Mark Paton, Australian College of Audiology (ACAud)

Mark is the Immediate Past President of the ACAud, a hearing clinician and hearing services provider.

Stephen Williamson, Deafness Forum of Australia

Steve is Chief Executive of the Deafness Forum and its representative on the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People and the World Hearing Forum.

Ian Rimes, Better Hearing Australia

Ian is a consumer representative.

Jane MacDonald, Hearing Business Alliance

Jane is Chief Executive of Hearing Business Alliance, an Audiologist and hearing services provider.

Ashley Wilson AM, Hearing Care Industry Association

Ashley is Chair of the Hearing Care Industry Association, Deputy Chair of the Hearing Health Sector Alliance, former President of the Hearing Aid Manufactures & Distributors Association and a senior executive at a large national hearing services provider.